Ruth Morán_Vertigo and forgetfulness_01/22/16_03/15/26_Dossier

Delve into the work of Ruth Morán (Badajoz, 1976) supposed in the manner of Friedrich, an approximation, a glimmer, ever since “the eye of the spirit”, “Close your physical eye -writes Friedrich- so that you may see your picture first with the spiritual eye. Then bring to the light of day that which you have seen in the darkness so that it may react upon others from the outside inwards”.

We talked about essentiality. It is true, only so we see, we prowl its interior vision, in which “painter -continues Friedrich- should not only paint what he sees before him, but what he sees in it”. Thus, for Ruth Morán, “painting is a vehicle that also shows me clues to the landscape, is a path of knowledge…” and inner exploration. The landscape is substantial in my painting. I extract elements that built this landscape encoding it in my same reality”.

We are witnessing, once again, to the coherence and expressive unity of the work of Ruth Morán, its ability to transform funds in atmospheres thanks to the opacity of blacks, a strange reverberation capable of recreating a timeless reality, inhabited by corpuscles you are light; a Flash of color dots: Roses, Orange, yellow, blue… branded as happy accidents, floating in the atmosphere of black and white cotton that is the “light that holds the sky”, “the picture is a micro-light space, a cumulative game, a palimpsest. “It is a work about the light that demands a sacrifice: remove the light, rather than show it”.

And it is that, as wrote Leopardi, “the last grade of knowledge is to recognize that everything we were looking for had been in front of us”. Dot and stripe: the pure use of pictorial elements; that Yes, inhabited by a spiritual tension, because each gesture in Ruth is not but a giving mood. “I’m interested in the gesture, a kind of action painting in Europe, that is, a geometric construction matted forms, controlled from a secret architecture”.

According to their plots along an aura of spiritual and cosmic nature is essential. On the horizon a persistent desire: to achieve the sublime.